Allan Pimenta

Name: Allan Pimenta

Title: PhD research student

Affiliation: Monash University

Allan’s professional and academic careers have been driven by his interest in urban planning and transportation systems. His master’s research focused on the relationships between the built environment and physical activity in transit-oriented developments. He has taught undergraduate courses for three years, such as urban design, urban planning, and transportation systems. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree at Monash University focusing on the long-term impacts of autonomous vehicles on the built environment.
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil).
Master of Science in Sustainable Critical Infrastructure (Khalifa University, Masdar Institute and MIT Joint Program).
Lecturer of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana).
Teaching Assistant in Geographic Information Systems (Khalifa University).
Journal papers
Pimenta, A. R., Maghelal P. K., Alawadi, K. (2020): Are transit-adjacent
developments effective neighborhood design models to help meet the recommended weekly physical activity levels? The case of Abu Dhabi, International Journal of Sustainable
Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2020.1718253.
Conference papers
Pimenta, A. R. and Maghelal, P. (2019) Are Transit-Oriented Developments Effective Neighborhood Design Models to Help Meet the Recommended Weekly Physical Activity Levels? Case of Abu Dhabi. 2019. Transportation Research Board: 98th Annual Meeting

Masdar Institute Pioneer Student 2016.
TRL 2016 Student Award at Gulf Traffic Awards in Dubai.