Crossmodal – Urban passenger mode shift and cross modal demand effects

Crossmodal – Urban passenger mode shift and cross modal demand effects

This project is funded by the National Research Council of Norway and is undertaken by PTRG in association with The Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo (lead Partner),  The Institute of Transport Studies, Leeds UK, Dr Joyce Dargay and Dr Maria Börjesson.

The project concerns the sensitivity of travel by modes which may encourage shift of travel mode to public transport.  Its main focus is the cross elasticity of demand from private travel to public transport travel and the diversion factors that influence mode shift.  It includes an international scan, meta study and synthesis of evidence and the use of available transport models to theorise the scale of ‘cross modal’ effects from transport modelling.  The project runs between 2015 and 2018.

  • Date November 23, 2015
  • Tags Elasticity, Mode, Ridership