Optimising the Design and Implementation of Public Transport Priority Initiatives

Optimising the Design and Implementation of Public Transport Priority Initiatives

This project is a major international research program exploring ways to improve measures to improve the performance of bus and tram services operating in traffic using priority interventions such as exclusive lanes or active signal priority.   It is funded by the Australian Research Council as part of its Industry Linkage program (LP100100159) and is a collaborative study led by Professor Currie of Monash University and the industry partners in Victoria, PTV and VicRoads and international expert Professor Nick Hounsell at the University of Southampton (UK).

The project has a number of work stages including:

  • exploring data collected at priority treatments in both Victoria and internationally to assess operational performance and outcomes;
  • the collation of ‘test bed’ information to model and simulate the operational performance of priority initiatives in great detail such that the influences of features of individual road design measures might be better understood;
  • exploring planning processes for priority design and implementation including the strategic context for evaluation of projects; and
  • exploring the wider road safety impacts of priority measures.

A range of major breakthroughs have resulted from the research, including:

The research is progressing into exploring the road safety effects caused by priority measures on Melbourne’s tram network.  Research is also continuing to explore the influences of features of tram network design on stop dwell time.



  • Date November 16, 2015
  • Tags Bus, Bus/Tram Lane, Bus/Tram Priority, Canada, Graham Currie, Infrastructure, Melbourne, Mode, Nick Hounsell, Public Transport Victoria, Toronto, Tram/Light Rail, Transportation Research Board, United Kingdom, VicRoads, Victoria