Public Transport Market Organisation and Innovation Working Group 2015-16 International Transport Forum (OECD)
PTRG is the nominated Australian representative by Australian Federal Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on a major international project run by the International Transport Forum, the Joint Transport Research Centre of the Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD) based in Paris France. The project ‘Public Transport Market Organisation and Innovation’ covers three 2014-16 Program of Work priorities (see ITF/OECD/JTRC (2014)1):
- Market regulations and the role of government in PT
- Tender of public bus and rail operation
- New modes for organising public transit contracts.
To meet these research priorities the working group of the project will review the ability of different models of urban public transport market tendering and organisation to deal with the diverse structural challenges facing member countries, such as jurisdictional coordination, powerful incumbent operators, new mobility options and evolving travel patterns.
In addition to PTRG’s representation for Australia, leading researchers and policy advisors from Japan, Korea, Chile France, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, India and Mexico are represented in the working group.
PTRG was the first keynote presenter at the inaugural meeting of the research team in Paris in November 2015 and has submitted a working paper collating and synthesising key lessons from world experience on regulatory reform in public transport.
OUTPUTS: 2016; PTRG Working paper on International Experience in Public Transport Deregulation, Franchising, Outsourcing and Corporatisation
- Date November 23, 2015
- Tags Contracting, Governance, Organisation, Regulation