Farhana Naznin

Name: Farhana Naznin

Title: Research Fellow

Affiliation: Monash University

Farhana is currently undertaking her PhD at Monash University on the topic of road safety. In addition to her interest in Road Safety Evaluation, she also has research interests in Traffic State Estimation and Travel Time Prediction.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh 2007

Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,  The University of Tokyo, Japan 2010

Awarded an Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) to pursue doctoral studies at Monash University, Australia commencing in March 2013.

Awarded an FIPRS award to cover tuition fee at Monash University, Australia in perusal of a doctoral degree commencing in March 2013.

Awarded MEXT (ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology) scholarship to pursue master degree in Civil Engineering department of the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2008.

Awarded University Merit Scholarship at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

Awarded Deans’ list honor at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

Member of The Institute of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh

Reviewer EASTS Conference

Reviewer Transport Research Board (TRB)

PT Publications


Journal Articles



Mehran, B., Kuwahara, M. and Naznin, F. (2011), Implementing Kinematic Wave Theory to Reconstruct Vehicle Trajectories from Fixed and Probe Sensor Data, 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences 17, 247-268, 2011.

Mehran, B., Kuwahara, M. and Naznin, F. (2011), Implementing kinematic wave theory to reconstruct vehicle trajectories from fixed and probe sensor data, Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 20 (1), 144-163, 2012.


In Press

Naznin F, Currie G, Logan D, Sarvi M. Examining route section level tram-involved crash frequency using the random effects negative binomial model. Austrasia Transport Research Forum 2015. (In press)

Naznin F, Currie G, Sarvi M, Logan D. An empirical Bayes safety evaluation of tram/streetcar signal and lane priority measures in Melbourne. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2015



Conference Papers

Naznin F, Currie G, Sarvi M, Logan D. Logan. Road Safety Impacts of Tram/Streetcar Priority Measures–A Before-After Study Using Empirical Bayes Method. In Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

Naznin F, Currie G, Logan D, Sarvi M. Exploring Tram/Light Rail Road Safety on Streets and the Impact of Traffic Priority Interventions. World Conference on Transport Research, 2016 (Abstract accepted)

Naznin, F., Mehran, B. and Kuwahara M. (2010), Data Fusion Prototype for Dynamic Signal Coordination on Urban Corridors, Proceedings of the 41st Infrastructure Planning Conference of Japan Society of Civil Engineering, (presented).

Mehran, B., Naznin, F., Kuwhara, M., Hanabusa, H. and Horiguchi, R. (2010), Data Fusion Concept to Estimate Vehicle Trajectories on Urban Arterials, 17th ITS World Congress, Bussan Korea.